Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cloud Catch-Up

9/27/2011 (Tues)

(I wish I'd gotten a better image of the glowing pink spots...if you enlarge ^this^ one, you can see them better, but it's nothing compared to what I was seeing in 3-D.)

09/28/2011 (Wed)

10/04/2011 (Tue)
Zoom in! Sorry for the blur, but the crazy glowiness had to be documented on here...even if it's just a mere shadow of it's full momentary glory...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Yesterday's Sky Porn

As always, you can click on the pics to enlarge them.


(Sorry about the big metal bars in the following photos...I took the pics on the bus, as we were going across the I-5 bridge in the express lanes.)

Afternoon sky...check out the mountains (just at the visible horizon) that are peaking over a layer of clouds...about center in the first photo, and a little to the left in the second.