Wednesday, January 18, 2012

More Winter Skies

12/13/11 7:49am - "<3"
1/4/12 7:59am - "omg"
1/10/12 4:46pm (west view)
1/10/12 4:46pm (east view)

1/5/12 4:59pm - ":-)"

1/10/12 6:16pm
1/11/12 7:55am (wide shot)

1/11/12 7:55am (close-up on Mt. Rainier)

1/12/12 9:30am - "yup..."

1/12/12 04:06pm - "this never gets old"
 Everybody and their mother was paying attention to the following sunset (on 1/13/12). I walked down Pine towards downtown, and people were taking pictures on their phones, or just standing staring at the slivers of sky between the buildings. On facebook, I simply posted "No photo is going to do it justice. Get outside and experience the sky yourself...right NOW." When I got home, I was pleasantly surprised to see how many people posted awesome photos and timelapse slideshows and videos online! And such *good* ones! Maybe one day, I'll have a camera that's better at taking good photos in the crazy light situations of sunrise/sunset. These are some photos my friend Josh sent me:
*text from Josh* 1/13/12 5:24pm - "sexy"...

*text from Josh* 1/13/12 5:52pm - "sexy--the sky"

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Texts from Pax: November & December 2011

11/18/11 04:20pm - "decent way to end a friday"

11/28/11 04:16pm - "mmmmmmmm"

11/29/11 07:35am - "clouds to the south, lying up against the mountains"

11/30/11 03:55pm - "very soon"

11/30/11 08:04am

12/02/11 03:47pm

12/02/11 03:48pm

12/02/11 04:13pm

12/07/11 03:47pm

12/07/11 03:52pm - "wow..."

12/07/11 05:30pm

12/09/11 04:34pm

12/09/11 04:34pm

12/12/11 04:20 - ":-)"

12/13/11 07:39am - "<3"